June 9, 2023
Month 1
I am enthusiastic about working with my new friends in Music and Movement & Mindfulness sessions this summer!
This week we focus on some fundamentals of Music:
Clapping Steady Rhythms
Rhythmic patterns, clapping, vocalizing, & drumming with djembes
4 beats
apple-apple plum plum
Plum apple, Plum apple,
Plum = 1/4 note
Ap-ple = two 1/8 notes
Using Popsicle sticks or pencils (or anything!), you can use 1 stick to represent plum (1/4 note) and use 3 sticks to make a pair of 1/8 notes (apple).
Compose a rhythmic pattern, see below
Limit length to four beats using any combination of plums or apples
Singing Solfege: Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do (and intoducing ‘curwen hand symbols’)
I”ll try to update some videos here to help for your musical studies at home!
We also started some fundamentals of Movement & Mindfulness that will prep us for Yoga and Tai Chi - either of which will develop skills to transfer to nearly any athletic or physical activity, wether ballet or karate:
Coordinating slow movement with breath (raising arms up and down with inhale/exhale)
Balance poses on one foot (tree pose or flamingo pose)
Cross body movements
Extend right arm, put it behind you and grab your left foot
Focus: avoid distractions, wether squirrels or our neighbors
Breath awareness
Silent mediation
I like to use ommmm, or helloooooo as I find this helps with a breathing cycle and mental focus