Aug 18, 2023
This week in Music Class, we revisited the large ‘foot keyboard’ and how to find “Do”:
“Two black keys, Do Re Mi”.
So, anywhere there are a pair of two black keys (not three), there resides Do Re Mi (or C D E).
Soon, we’ll try this on an actual (finger) keyboard - I have five battery powered keyboards to share but I encourage you to purchase one for your home, here’s what I recommend. Small enough for children to carry to class and they seem to be quite durable.
We are learning Hot Cross Buns - bringing back an old folk song - as the most basic song, and later in the year we’ll try this on ukulele!
In Movement Class, we continue with connecting our focused breathe to Tai Chi movements and balance. With yoga, we are contrasting three poses:
Downward dog - hips push high up, straight arms
Plank - strong and straight
Upward dog - belly down, head up curved back
This weekend, my rock trio is playing at a family friendly restaurant on Johns Island, Cabana Burger & Shakes, from 6-9pm. Love to see some familiar faces if you’d like to come by. You can check my performance calendar for more details or options. I often encourage familiar students to join me for a familiar song when at the appropriate venue!
Check out LowCo Suzuki Guitar on FB or IG to catch my talented private guitar students playing in #charlestonsc or #mtpleasantsc